The Comics Grid: A Journal of Comics Scholarship is a publication dedicated to the study of comics

The Comics Grid: A Journal of Comics Scholarship is a publication dedicated to the study of comics
The Comics Grid: A Journal of Comics Scholarship is a publication dedicated to the study of comics

The Parish Review: A Journal of Flann O'Brien Studies is a publication dedicated to the study of Flann O'Brien.

Classical Music Goes Viral: Classical Music Memes and Meanings in the Wake of Coronavirus

Hyltén-Cavallius Sverker (Swedish Performing Arts Agency)

Richard Wagner's The Ring of the Nibelung is adapted into a graphic novel by Craig P. Russell.

Miroslav Urbanec (Silesian University in Opava), Michaela Weiss (Silesian University in Opava)

Posthumanism, Pedagogy, and the Praxeological Mangle: The Transhumanist Creep

Bartosch, Roman (University of Cologne)

'Wherever You Are, Whenever You Want': Captivating and Encouraging Music Experiences with Symphony Orchestra Performances Available Online

sa Bergman sa Bergman sa Bergman sa Berg (University of Gothenburg)

Dialogues with the Machine, or Interactive Digital Narratives' Ruins of Closure and Control

Julia Hoydis is a writer (Graz University) The Open Library of Humanities is a publication dedicated to the study of the humanities. From classics, theology, and philosophy to modern languages and literatures, film and media studies, anthropology, political theory, and sociology, the Open Library of Humanities journal publishes internationally-leading, rigorous, and peer-reviewed study across the humanities disciplines. With high-quality presentation, annotative functionality, solid digital preservation, great discoverability, and easy-to-share social networking buttons, our papers benefit from the newest innovations in online journal publication. We no longer accept generic submissions because we are now focused on publishing Special Collections focusing on a certain topic or theme; read more information on how to apply to guest edit a special collection. We especially welcome multidisciplinary Special Collections, and we also encourage submissions in languages other than English, thanks to our megajournal platform.

Posted on 2021-04-08 by Rose Harris-Birtill

The Open Library of Humanities journal has moved to the Janeway platform, which we are very excited about. Existing website users will need to reset their passwords in order to re-enter the system.

Posted on 2020-02-07 by OLH Janeway

For the time being, the OLH journal is no longer accepting unsolicited general submissions. It is currently only dedicated to publishing specially curated Special Collections on a specific topic or theme. For further information, see the OLH Special Collections.

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ccea double award science

19: Long Nineteenth-Century Interdisciplinary Studies

In the lengthy nineteenth century, multidisciplinary studies were popular. 19 is a peer-reviewed publication dedicated to fostering interdisciplinary research in the late 1800s. 19 extends the work of the Centre for Nineteenth-Century Studies by making the high-quality, original scholarship presented at its regular conferences, symposia, and other events available to an international audience. It is based at Birkbeck, University of London. Every year, 19 publishes two themed issues, each with a collection of peer-reviewed articles exhibiting the most cutting-edge new research in nineteenth-century studies, as well as special forums fostering critical discourse in the field.

Check out the most recent issue Exchange of ASIANetworks

, a group of roughly 160 North American universities dedicated to advancing Asian Studies as a discipline within liberal arts education. Originally a newsletter, then a journal, the Exchange transitioned to a peer-reviewed publication in Fall 2011, focusing on professors appointed in liberal arts universities with Asian Studies programs. The ASIANetwork Exchange aims to disseminate both current research and high-quality instructional pieces authored by experts and non-experts. The editors of the journal are particularly interested in articles, book reviews, and media reviews that meet the needs of undergraduate students open library of humanities.

Current Architectural Histories can be found here.

that establishes a platform where historically informed research on all elements of architecture and the built environment may be shared, consulted, and debated. Historical, historiographic, theoretical, and critical contributions that engage with architecture and the built environment from a historical perspective are welcome to submit to the journal. Click here for more information and instructions on how to submit a paper. SHERPA RoMEO, Directory of Open Access Journals, has the journal indexed. EBSCOHost Emerging Sources on Google Scholar Avery Index to Architectural Periodicals (Citation Index) ANVUR ANVUR ANVUR ANVUR ANVUR (classe A - Area 8) Humanities and Social Sciences European Reference Index (ERIH PLUS) SCOPUS by Cengage Learning. Architectural Histories is also available for harvesting through OAI-PMH. Submit a suggestion Body, Space, and Technology (BST) (BST) (BST) (BST) (BST) (BST) ( BST is a major journal of contemporary artistic practice and study that joined the OLH platform in the summer of 2017. BST has established a high reputation for scholarly excellence and creativity since its inception in 2000, as well as for cultivating a global academic community around its published content. BST publishes multi-disciplinary research on creative practice that interfaces with digital technology, particularly as they relate to bodily interaction and creativity.

C21 Literature: Journal of Twenty-First-Century Writings is now accepting submissions.

selective focus phot of artificial human skull

c21 literature is a publication dedicated to writings from the twenty-first century. The British Association for Contemporary Literary Studies publishes C21 Literature: Journal of 21st-Century Writings (BACLS). The journal is devoted to the study of 21st-century writing genres, forms of publication, and circulation. The increase of interest in 21st-century texts, as seen by book groups, university courses, and the rise of online publishing, has given rise to C21 Literature.


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The Comics Grid: A Journal of Comics Scholarship is a publication dedicated to the study of comics